New York Times - 10/14/06
To the Editor:
Re “ ‘It Was Love at First Sight,’ and So, Before Long, Benny Mason Got
Hitched” (news article, Oct. 9):
Can there be any doubt that horses do not belong in the city? Life on the
streets of Manhattan is miserable for these horses that have to pull oversized
loads in heavy traffic, where they are constantly avoiding collisions with
careless and impatient drivers, and in arduous weather conditions.
In the summer, they breathe in lung-searing exhaust fumes and plod along
scorching asphalt. In the winter, they endure freezing temperatures.
It’s unfathomable that anyone can support these rides. How many dead horses
and hospitalized people will it take before the City Council bans them?
Jennifer O’Connor
Norfolk, VA
The writer, on the staff of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,
writes for its Animals in Entertainment Campaign.
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