An Offer for Stable’s Horses, but Not the Stable
NY Times - 5/21/10
Public comments on blog
1. May 21, 2010 2:17 pm Link
The McKeevers have publicly stated that if they don’t get another
sweetheart deal from the city, they will have to send the horses to
work for the Amish.
seems a bit disingenuous then to criticize a genuine offer to find
better homes for the animals.
If your business can’t survive without a $55,000/month rent subsidy
from the city, maybe it’s time to consider other options.
— Lola
2. May 21, 2010 2:36 pm Link
This private, cash-only business has been receiving $55,000 in rent
subsidies from the city EVERY MONTH while school teachers being fired
due to budget shortfalls. The operation of horse-drawn carriages in NYC
is inhumane and unsafe; the carriages add to traffic congestion; and
the manure contaminates the streets and the park (while NYers pay for
the clean up). Time to ban – not subsidize – horse-drawn carriages.
Donny Moss
— Donny Moss
3. May 21, 2010 2:45 pm Link
Let’s have some reality here. Shamrock Stables has been subsized by the
NYC government to the tune of at least a half million dollars — paying
$5,000 per month for a space that was worth $60,000 since 2001 …
depriving the city of this added revenue. How many other businesses do
you know of that lose their lease or have their rent raised that get
this kind of subsidy from the City.
None – that’s how many!
So why is this industry such a favored child when the majority of
people in NYC want to see it end.
If the stable closed down, McKeever has threatened that he would have
to bring his horses to the Amish where they would slave up to 12 hours
a day.
Now the ASPCA puts
it money where its mouth is and makes a good faith offer to find good
homes for all of the horses and it is refused?
It is time to shut this industry down and this should be the beginning.
The city should buy back the medallions and not reissue them to anyone.
this is a good example of
the existing loophole law that will allow the McKeevers to sell their
horses at auction/slaughter or into another industry.
— Corrie
4. May 21, 2010 3:31 pm Link
If carriage horse drivers truly loved the horses they put to work for
commercial profit, allowing them to go to horse sanctuaries would be
automatic, should Shamrock Stables fail to find affordable shelter.
City welfare for the carriage horse industry isn’t appropriate, and the
bill to dismantle the trade included a provision for drivers to be
retrained in another livelihood, and for horses to get out of the
racket of having to perform as machines. Steve Nislick wasn’t involved
in the drafting of that legislation, so casting stones at him is
As the Coalition
to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages and Friends of Animals has said: There is
no way to improve the lives of more than 200 horses forced to endure a
daily existence contrary to their basic needs, in a chaotic
environmental totally at odds with their physiology. One can’t make a
wrong situation justifiable. Let New York City get the horses ut of
shackles, off the streets, and into sanctuaries where they can live
their remaining years in dignity.
Priscilla Feral
Friends of Animals
— Priscilla
5. May 21, 2010 3:34 pm Link
Shamrock Stables has been subsidzed for the last ten years by NYC for
at least $55,000 a month–at a total loss to taxpayers of at least
$450,000. Let that sink in for a while, readers, as you ponder the
teacher firings, park closings and fire-house closings going on right
The fact that this is a
private, cash only business that exploits and mistreats horses and
routinely rips off tourists by illegally overcharging makes this even
more outrageous.
In a previous NY
Times Blog, Ian McKeever, owner of Shamrock admitted that he could not
affort to pay what his stable rent ~should~ cost–at least $60,000 a
month (as opposed to the shocking $5,000 a month he’s been paying).
“We knew this would be developed at some point,” said Mr. McKeever, who
pays $5,000 a month in rent. Mr. McKeever said he believed comparable
stables would cost $60,000 a month to rent, which he said he and his
tenants could not afford.”
Carolyn Daly: If a parent is incapable of properly caring and providing
for their children, they should be taken away, and the same applies for
horses. Clearly, Mr. McKeever is incapable of running an economically
viable business without being susidized by taxpayer dollars. Shamrock
Stables knew for years that their lease, and the free ride, was going
to be over, yet they’re still standing their with their hands out.
Haven’t you taken enough, already?
Ian, and everyone else at Shamrock should face reality and accept the
generous offer of placing their horses into safe sanctuaries &
refuges where they can live what is left of their life in peace. If
Shamrock can’t even pay the rent, I can guess exactly where those
horses would end up if they don’t find another free ride soon–the
killer buyer auctions and then the slaughterhouse, so they can squeeze
a few more dollars out of them. These horses are mere commodities to
exploited for the carriage industry, and every dollar of profit is
squeezed out of them until they either die or can no longer perform
their forced labor of pulling carriages through chaotic & dangerous
city streets unnatural and inhumane for a horse.
The fact that the offer of a safe haven for the horses was met with
scorn by their owners is not a surprise. What is suprising is exactly
~how~ the McKeever brothers hope to stay in business when they’ve
already admitted that they are incapable of paying a non-subsidized
Intro 86, sponsored by
Council Member Melissa Mark Viverito would phase out horse-drawn
carriages and replace them with eco-friendly antique cars–a solution
that benefits both workers, who would have better-paying, less
dangerous jobs, and would finally end the pathetic sight of these
broken-down, exploited horses,shackled and blindered, dragging endless
loads of tourists through the hell of midtown traffic day after day.
These horse did nothing to justify the hellish existence they must
suffer through–one that denies everything natural to a horse, in an
urban environment incapable of meeting their needs.
Please contact your NYC Council Member and ask them to sign on in
support of Intro 86. New York City can do better.
— Edita
6. May 21, 2010 4:59 pm Link
NYC carriage horses are beasts of burden that are used sheerly for
profit. The fact that the owners subject them to the hazards of a
modern urban environment, including walking in city traffic and getting
injured and killed, shows their lack of any kind of compassion for
these animals. Of course they will not take up the ASPCA on its
offer–they don’t care about the welfare of these animals, only their
bottom line.
— Bernie
7. May 21, 2010 5:22 pm Link
I don’t understand, just a few days ago, McKeever stated he was going
to dump the horses with the Amish and have them work over 12 hours.
Again and Again this industry proves to us all that they are in
business for the MONEY and not the horses. Why wouldn’t they want this
horses retired in pasture. It makes me real sick how Christine Quinn
and Karen Kosolowitz continues to support this cruel industry
— Daniel
8. May 21, 2010 5:25 pm Link
This video was uploaded recently, it is testimony at the hearing and
proves how there are NO reforms at all for the care of these horses.
They are still dump in slaughter houses after years of abuse. FACT
— Daniel
9. May 21, 2010 5:28 pm Link
The Carriages and Horses are one of the City’s real tourist attractions
and it would be a shame if this vanished. Other cities in the US also
have them like Denver and Boston. It is a piece of History which
compliments New Yorks Landmark Buildings and Central Park.
— Perry Rothenberg
10. May 21, 2010 5:30 pm Link
The taxpayers of this city have been fed a load of horse-manure by
industry supporters like Bloomberg and Quinn, his right-hand man. Their
backroom deals stink more than the manure…if that were possible
Shamrock has been paying $5,000/mo for stable rental of City-owned
property!!! A tiny, cubby hole apt.costs almost that much! It is
outrageous to think that we have been subsidizing this animal-abusing
industry all these years, while they pay below-market rates and people
are sleeping on the streets and in homeless shelters….And now, they
expect taxpayers to continue to support them while they plead poverty,
after getting a sweetheart deal from the City Council that allows them
to (over)-charge dumb tourists $50 for a 20 minute ride. Talk about
chutzpah!!! I’m about to take out my violin! Let’s all pass around the
hat for these “poor” carriage horse abusers who have been ripping off
the public for years. Who do they think they’re kidding?
— Zizi
11. May 21, 2010 5:43 pm Link
This only proves how this industry doesn’t care at all about the
horses. Here is a chance to save the horses and put them in a PASTURE
and RETIRE. Why say no? Because they don’t care about the horses but
their pockets. NYers, why are we bailing them out? why are we
supporting a private industry that abuses animals. And Mark states
Union. Lies. This union is a fake. Workers unionize not owners and
animal abusers. All the illegal Mexican and Turkish carriage drivers
are not in the union. There is no standard wage nor benefit. I would
ask the teamsters of local 553 to question why Demos Demopoulos has
done this dealing with this industry. Money involved? You can lose you
union status when it is discovered there was unfair labor practices. On
the members rolls since this industry supposedly join in 2009, there
are less number in membership. this is not a real union
— Greenie
12. May 21, 2010 5:56 pm Link
Dear New York Times
Thank you for your story which has help find homes for the horses and
thank you ASPCA and NY-Class for stepping up to the plate. I hope the
McKeevers do the right thing and permit the horses to these pastures to
retire instead of killing them
Karen Fitzgerald.
— Karen
13. May 21, 2010 6:21 pm Link
These horses are living beings who feel pain. Yes, they have built
America and is this how we reward them? Enslaving them to pull carriage
all over midtown and herald square in all that traffic, Horses passing
out in the summer from heat exhaustion. I recalled all the tourists’
scared and disgusted expression as the doormen from across ran with
buckets of water to hose the passed out horses. Is this the history we
want? do you remember Smoothie, Juliet, and all the other horses who
died on the streets and one found dead in warehouse/stable. This
cruelty needs to end. It has gone on for TOO long.
— Athena
14. May 21, 2010 6:36 pm Link
So they don’t have money but yet can afford a publicist ? And why is
Carolyn Daly saying the children aren’t for sale??? Would she put her
children in midtown to pull carriage in the heat and standing behind
exhaust pipes of idling buses? That is sick.
— Austin Mendez
15. May 21, 2010 7:08 pm Link
Carriage rides may be a novelty but horses are living creatures that
deserve better than a life of servitude. I applaud the ASPCA’s offer.
— joojooluv
16. May 21, 2010 7:22 pm Link
It’s funny how the ASPCA has no interest in horses that are, as we
speak, being sent to slaughter.
All over the country, everyday, hundreds of horses are run through
auctions and end up in the killpen. Right here in NJ there are several
horse rescues that work day and night to rescue them and find homes for
them, at great cost and personal effort.
Why doesn’t the ASPCA assist these groups?
Because they can’t grandstand on it, because it’s not sexy enough an
issue, because Steve Nislick (the head of that “other non-profit”,
NYClass), isn’t paying them to do it.
A cynical, disingenuous ploy to piggyback the misfortune of people who
actually give horses homes and a purpose.
The ASPCA should hang its bloated corporate head in shame – but it has no shame to display.
— michaleen
17. May 21, 2010 8:52 pm Link
Shamrock Stables asks for Compassion from the City.
Bit where is the compassion in storing horses in a garage, or in old
tenements or warehouses where the other horses are “housed”?
Where is the compassion in working these horses in the blazing heat
without shade, oppressive humidity, and storms of winter?
Where is the compassion in waliking the horses through City traffic and
forcing them to breathe toxic fumes?
Where is the compassion when the horses go from the shafts of their
carriage to a standing stall and back again day after day, week after
week and month after month?
Where is the compassion when the horses go to the auction house…and
then, perhaps the slaughterhouse?
— Jacqueline
18. May 21, 2010 8:57 pm Link
This situation is one where if you do not get control of your destiny,
destiny will control you, meaning: this industry has stubbornly clung
to an outdated idea that it is somehow ok to have horses in one of the
most congested and noisy cities in the world. Instead of at least
acknowledging the inhumane aspect of keeping horses here under cruel
living and working conditions, the owners have denied, refuted, and
stubbornly clung to what they must know is wrong. Instead of taking
advantage of an offer that will mean a humane retirement and/or
existence for all of their horses, and prevent them from a horrifying
injurious trip to slaughter to experience being hacked apart piece by
piece, their stubborn pride born of not wanting to “give an inch” to
animal protection people wins out over their professed love of the
horses. I pray that these owners will reconsider “staying in a dying
business”. This is not about who is right or wrong, this is about
finding a peaceful end for horses that have suffered endured more than
any of us could endure for one day.
— Susan Davis
19. May 21, 2010 9:13 pm Link
Are you listening, Mayor Bloomberg? or anyone from your office?
If you bail out this money sucking industry one more time at the
expense of all the honest taxpayers and all those firehouses that are
closing, teachers losing jobs, legitimate stores that are forced out of
their homes due to over development >>>>> then you
should be impeached, you are worse than I thought and you do not
deserve to be in office.
looking the other way when this cash only business cheats customers or
fails to pay the taxes it should or simply disobeys a myriad of traffic
laws because of its feeling of entitlements.
This welfare monster was created years ago but it has been perpetuated
and enabled by the Mayor and City Council. It is time to cut the
umbilical cord.
— Arbonne Dulay
20. May 21, 2010 10:02 pm Link
It is time for the white trash Irish carriage owners (btw I am Irish
American, and white, but I am NOT the uneducated whtie trash, that
drive the horses, and that Liam Neeson supports….) who NEVER do what is
right for the horses… it is all about the money. . . and as a
veterinarian, (BTW the veterinarians who testify for the Carriage Horse
industry are like the low life lawyers we all joke about….They are PAID
by the carriage horse industry to testify…) I can state unequivocally
that these horses are abused, and inhumanely treated. The best thing
that can happen is that their stables are taken over for high income
condos or apartments.
— John G DVM
21. May 21, 2010 10:06 pm Link
It is time for the white trash Irish carriage owners (btw I am Irish
American, and white, but I am NOT the uneducated whtie trash, that
drive the horses, and that Liam Neeson supports….) who NEVER do what is
right for the horses… it is all about the money. . . and as a
veterinarian, (BTW the veterinarians who testify for the Carriage Horse
industry are like the low life lawyers we all joke about….They are PAID
by the carriage horse industry to testify…) I can state unequivocally
that these horses are abused, and inhumanely treated. The best thing
that can happen is that their stables are taken over for high income
condos or apartments.
— John G Hynes DVM
22. May 22, 2010 12:29 am Link
In her quest for more and more power, Christine Quinn regularly
deceives the public and, at times, breaks the law. One doesn’t need to
care about the carriage horses at all to be offended by this most
recent lie, which was picked up by unsuspecting media outlets around
the country:.
We must all speak out against and spread the word about Quinn’s lies
and corruption. Too much is at stake here….
— Donny Moss
23. May 22, 2010 1:10 am Link
If the McKeevers care about horses, as they claim to, they should rush
to take NY Class and the ASPCA’s generous offers to help find homes for
the horses.
— Rina Deych, RN
24. May 22, 2010 4:18 am Link
Dear New York Times,
Thank you for covering this story. I would like to bring up a point for
this equation of how better things would be for working horses had they
never had a job. 100,000 unwanted and unaffordable horses went to
slaughter pens last year in this country alone. The Friends of Animals,
PETA, The Peace Advocacy Network, or the ASPCA could have bought any of
them for less than $200, and then given them a place to live for the
rest of their natural lives and fed and cared for them until they die
peacefully in a field, like we all want to die. I don’t think that very
many of those horses who made that one-way trip to Mexico and came back
as dogfood were former carriage horses, because I’ve met some working
horses that are in their 20’s and in perfect health.
You also did not give the horses as sentient beings enough credit.
Those animals are much bigger than we are. They also have brains, can
make decisions, and have conscious thought. They can refuse. Some do.
Some do not. Some agree wholeheartedly with the idea of going out for a
walk because they need to move 12 to 16 hours a day, and asphalt was a
paving material used in the 1830’s to provide better footing for horses.
Instead of crowing about it, you should just go down and bring one a
carrot, and thank him for doing his job.
— A. Chappelle
25. May 22, 2010 7:45 am Link
Something stinks in the city of NY, and it is the symbiotic
relationship between this business and the city council that permits it
to continue in business. It is time for NYC taxpayers to stop
subsidizing cruelty. I don’t want my tax dollars going to exploiters
who would have horses living and suffering in abominable conditions.
This is blood money for Shamrock stables, and for anyone profiting from
it. NYC doesn’t need blood money!
— rac
26. May 22, 2010 8:13 am Link
I agree with what Susan and Arbonne say above. This is an industry that
has always been opposed by the average person, especially as people get
more enlightened about animal suffering and abuse.
But we have a city government that operates in a very questionable
(fascist) fashion and what the people say does not matter. (Oh, you
thought this was a democracy?)
Because most of the industry happens to be Irish and back in the day,
the Irish ruled NYC, the support of Irish politicians was expected.
After all when the industry began in its present form, the city was
ruled by Mayor William O’Dwyer who was in office from 1946 to 1950.
O’Dwyer was born in Ireland. It was within those years that he issued
68 medallions to his cronies who were primarily Irish. And therein
began a terrible tradition of INSTITUTIONALIZED CRUELTY. And BTW – this
is when the industry started in NYC – not the 1800s as the drivers
would have you believe.
Jewish, Italian or African American politicians who needed Irish
support for some deal or other went along with them. What did they
care, it was only horses. Unfortunately, racial politics continue to
rule the city. It is not what you can do, but what your ethnic,
religious or gender background is and how much money you have.
That said, this industry, replete with entitlements, got away with
murder for years. Look at the history of legislation. Even though many
people did not want to see the industry continue, there were never any
compromises. They not only got what they wanted, but even more. And the
Council supported them.
industry fought tooth and nail not to give back one hour to shorten the
working day of the horses; not to give back one degree of temperature
so the horse can slave as many hours as possible. And in 1994, they
were allowed to work the city streets again when Peter Vallone, then
speaker, gave in to the industry. So glad we no longer have to deal
with him.
Shamrock Stables is
not deserving of any special perks. They had years to address their
stable issue, but like children, they expected the city to take care of
them like they had in the past. Well, they need to grow up and face
reality like every other business that has lost space due to progress.
The handwriting has been on the walls for years. The industry has had a
good run, but the heyday is over. it is time to shut down. Many people
have had to retrain and start over. It is not easy, but smart people
know when it is time to move on and they plan for it.
The ASPCA does have the means and connections to find homes for the
horses who will be displaced, but I do not believe they thought the
offer would be accepted because of what they are dealing with. The fact
that the McKeevers have turned it down only shows that they are
spiteful and would prefer their horse to go to auction/slaughter or
back to the Amish.
There are
presently hearings on NYC charter reform. I would like to see the
Council structure reformed so that EACH COUNCIL MEMBER HAS REAL POWER
AND IT IS TRULY A DEMOCRATIC BODY. It should not be in the hands of one
person, the Council Speaker, as it is now. This happens to be the
vindictive and small minded Christine Quinn now but before her it was
Gifford Miller, then Peter Vallone for many years before term limits.
Vallone, in particular, was a power maniac and supporter of the
carriage industry. From Queens, he needed to pay homage to the Irish
power brokers from his borough. Same with Quinn. She got her job though
heavy handed politics by the Irish power brokers in Queens – led by the
late Tom Manton and now by Joe Crowley.
This has turned into an extremely powerful position even though the
Speaker is elected to the council only by constituents in her district.
The Queens Democratic party should not be deciding who gets to be
Speaker of the City Council. The Speaker should not be deciding what
bills are passed.
You will
not find me at any of these bogus charter “reform” hearings. NYC
government is not democratic. Please do not ever think it is. But the
fix is in. It will continue to be just as it is or if changed – changed
to meet Mr. Bloomberg’s specifications.
But hope springs eternal. So keep the faith and get involved with the
next mayoral election in 2013 when we elect a new mayor. Time goes by
quickly. And you have to be in it to win it. Stay tuned.
Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages
— Elizabeth
27. May 22, 2010 9:59 am Link
When is the City Room going to do a story about the sham “non-profit”
the ASPCA and Steve Nislick, president of Edison Properties have been
running for the last few years raising money on the backs of horses and
working people to pay the salaries of a few of he top ASPCA executives?
How can a group funded by millionaire developers be called
“non-profit”? And how can one hold their head up when all they do is
lie and make up stories to get cheap publicity (like this story)? The
people of New York and the readers of City Room deserve better and
deserve the full story, not the PR story by Steve Nislick.
— Mark
28. May 22, 2010 10:06 am Link
It is really helpful article about this topic. I am so much excited
because it is very funny and effective article. It is not only simple
information and its more then this. If you have been wondering on the
strength of Internet marketing campaign so far I’m sure you would have
been able to realize it by now.
— Dan Rudder
29. May 22, 2010 1:16 pm Link
If you treated your children the way they are treating the horses,
you’d go to jail and your children would be placed with children’s
services / foster homes.
with regard to tourists, they DO NOT come to ride carriage horses. They
come to shop, eat, visit the Empire State bldg, and shop!
— EJ
30. May 22, 2010 6:03 pm Link
ENOUGH-Bloomberg, how long are you going to hold on to this archaic,
cruel and dangerous side show at the tax payers expense. It reflects so
badly on our city. Animal exploitation and cruelty on display for all
to see. We should be so ashamed of ourselves in this day and age. LET
— Patricia Austin-Puccio
31. May 22, 2010 7:03 pm Link
Since when is Elizabeth from the fringe animal rights group
Ban-something or other an average person?
— Mark
32. May 22, 2010 9:22 pm Link
Hello.. out there.. these horse are their PROPERTY.. get it.. the OWN
them just as you own your home.. would you say.. give your home to the
ASPCA if they wanted it for an animal shelter?? or maybe give PETA your
place of business just to be”kind”.. These animals have worth.. if the
ASPCA wants them they should PAY for them.. a price that is what the
property owners want.. honestly yo would think that all of you are
ready willing and able to put one of these horse in your own back
yard.. forcing people to give up their property without due
compensation is NOT the American way.. in fact it is called coercion.
If the conditions are so “abominable” why are you down there.. HELPING instead of complaining..
— alice in lalaland
33. May 23, 2010 7:52 am Link
Everyone who comes to New York City wants to ride a carriage through
Central Park because they’ve seen it in the movies and on TV. But if
they knew more about the real lives of the horses who pull the
carriages – if they only knew where and how they live – they would be
horrified. I work next door to a stables (for the past 15 years).
That’s a very sad story.
— NR
Coalition To Ban
Horse-Drawn Carriages
A Committee of the Coalition For New York City Animals, Inc.
The Coalition for
NYC Animals, Inc.
P.O. Box 20247
Park West Station
New York, NY 10025