Letters & Editorials
23 - 29, 2008
Quinn’s contempt for critters
To The Editor:
Re “Speaker shortchanges animals” (letter, by Elizabeth Forel, May 2):
to Ms. Forel for calling it like it is regarding Christine Quinn’s lack
of concern for New York City’s animals, ignoring bill after bill to
their benefit. Those of us who care deeply and passionately about the
welfare of all living beings will not be so easily dismissed, as Ms.
Quinn will find out when the votes are counted. Call us what you will —
extremists, radicals, card-carrying activists — we, all of us, get to
vote, either for her or against her. The ball’s in your court, Ms.
Judy Purcell
‘Animal envy’ rears its head
To The Editor:
Re “Speaker shortchanges animals” (letter, by Elizabeth Forel, May 2):
I agree with letter writer Forel’s assessment that politicians would do well to pay attention to the new, powerful constituency of those who care about animals.
Personally, I think Speaker Quinn suffers from what I call “animal envy,” characteristic of people who are envious of the slightest attention animals receive. Why else would she not allow even meager protection for innocent animals to come to the floor for a vote? Why would she consistently refuse to even investigate an animal issue or a complaint?
What exactly is she envious of, I wonder? Is it the fact that millions of animals are slowly burned alive in U.S. laboratories or skinned alive on fur farms? Or maybe she’d like to spend a day as a puppy in a puppy mill? Speaker Quinn needs to step down and be replaced with an enlightened, compassionate leader.
Susan Davis
Alan’s foie gras faux pas
To The Editor:
response to several recent letters in your Community Media newspapers
highlighting Council Speaker Christine Quinn’s “callous indifference”
when it comes to animal issues, I concur. But I also want to shine the
spotlight on her equally egregious betrayal of public trust. Quinn’s
cozy relationship with folks in the cruel and well-heeled carriage
horse industry and the control she wields over other councilmembers —
such as Alan Gerson, who suddenly withdrew his support of a foie gras
bill — reek of inside power plays that the public finds deplorable and
Quinn’s refusal to let the Pets in Housing Bill come up for a vote is another indication of her inability to connect with issues important to the public. Add to that her claims of memory lapse and/or lack of awareness of the misuse of taxpayer money in “slush funds” that found their way to her favorite “charities” and we are, at the very least, looking at someone who has “lost it” or, at worst, someone guilty of even more reprehensible acts. The public has had enough! Move on, Ms. Quinn!
Zelda Penzel
Coalition To Ban
Horse-Drawn Carriages
A Committee of the Coalition For New York City Animals, Inc.
The Coalition for
NYC Animals, Inc.
P.O. Box 20247
Park West Station
New York, NY 10025