Vet: Carriage Horses Suffering
an equine veterinarian who has inspected New York City's carriage
horses since 1988 and has also advised 15 other municipalities and
states on how to create humane carriage horse operations, I am ashamed
to say that New York's version of its horse-drawn tourist attraction is
by far the worst in terms of the number of unexplained deaths and the
grim conditions under which the horses live and work. The current
regulations fail to protect these horse in their stables and on the
streets. They are dying in unacceptable numbers and at very young ages,
though the public is never made aware of this fact. Currently, the best
that can be said of New York's operating conditions is that they may be
survivable--barely--but they are never humane. Please urge the City
Council to vote for a permanent ban on horse-drawn carriages, and
eliminate this cruel 19th century anachronism from our 21st century
Holly Cheever, DVM , Voorneesville, NY
Cheever is an equine veterinarian, educated at Harvard University and
the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. She has a
lifetime of experience in horse management, including the driving of
carriage horses. Since 1988, she has been the primary equine adviser
for 15 other municipalities and states (including New York) that have
sought knowledgeable assistance either to ban carriage horses from
operating in their cities or to devise protective codes and legislation
to prevent the all-too-common animal abuse that occurs in this industry.
Coalition To Ban
Horse-Drawn Carriages
A Committee of the Coalition For New York City Animals, Inc.
The Coalition for
NYC Animals, Inc.
P.O. Box 20247
Park West Station
New York, NY 10025