Standing Up for The City’s Carriage Horses
As the holiday season approaches, some tourists will want to take that deceptively romantic horse-drawn carriage ride through congested areas of midtown Manhattan. Pulling overloaded carriages on asphalt for nine hours a day in cold weather is miserable enough for the horses. Add exhaust fumes, holiday traffic and startling noises and, well, you have a recipe for disaster. After the death of yet another carriage horse in September and a City Comptroller's audit revealing horrible working conditions, you would think that the Mayor and City Council would have learned something. Well, one courageous lawmaker has. In early December, City Council Member Tony Avella will offer a bill to ban horse-drawn carriages. Without support from city residents, the carriage horse industry's friends in the Bloomberg administration and the City Council will see to it that the bill dies in committee.
Jill Weitz, Bronx
Coalition To Ban
Horse-Drawn Carriages
A Committee of the Coalition For New York City Animals, Inc.
The Coalition for
NYC Animals, Inc.
P.O. Box 20247
Park West Station
New York, NY 10025